American History
Topics & Worksheets

Topic 1. American History - Part I

01. Childhood of Columbus
02. Columbus Has a Desire
03. Columbus Seeks Help
04. Columbus Sails
05. Establishment of Providence
06. Acquaintance of Roger Williams with the Natives
07. Post Lord Baltimore Period
08. King Charles I and Lord Baltimore
09. Fortification by the Pilgrims
10. Friendly Gesture
11. Plymouth Settlement
12. Captain Myles Standish
13. The Birth of New York
14. Hudson and the Indians
15. The Great River
16. Henry Hudson - Passage to Asia
17. Captain John Smith
18. Sir Walter Raleigh
19. Discovery of Florida
20. Cabot Voyages Again
21. Cabot Discovers North America
22. Columbus Lands
23. Columbus Discovers Land

Topic 2. American History - Part II

01. King Philip
02. The War of Independence
03. General Washington
04. Boston Tea Party
05. Colonel Washington
06. Hey Days of George Washington
07. The Electrical Kite and the Lightning Rod
08. Franklins Experiments with Electricity
09. Sawdust Pudding
10. Stoop to Conquer
11. Boyhood days of Benjamin Franklin
12. Ebenezer "Blazing tree"
13. Establisment of Georgia Settlement
14. General James Oglethorpe
15. Death of William Penn
16. Settlement of the Philadelphia
17. The Quackers
18. Pennsylvania - Penn's woods
19. Death of Philip
20. The Great Swamp Fight
21. The Fight at Hadley
22. The Fight at Swansea

Topic 3. American History - Part III

01. Multi-faced Daniel Boone
02. Boone's relationship with the Indians
03. General James Robertson and Governor John Sevier
04. The English and the Americans
05. Clark's march to the drowned land
06. General Rufus Putnam
07. Eli Whitney
08. Cotton Gin
09. Thomas Jefferson
10. Developer of America
11. Robert Fulton
12. Steam Boat
13. General William Henry Harrison
14. Boyhood of Andrew Jackson
15. Prisoner Jackson
16. General Jackson

Topic 4. American History - Part IV

01. Professor Morse
02. The Dream Came True
03. General Sam Houston
04. Captain Robert Gray
05. Sparkling Gold Dust
06. Growth of America Since the Revolution
07. Heydays of Abraham Lincoln
08. Kind and Good natured Giant
09. Lawyer Abraham Lincoln
10. Law Maker
11. Since the War

Topic 5. Miscellaneous Topics & Review Tests

01. Review Test 1
02. Review Test 2
03. Review Test 3
04. Review Test 4